The STEM Directories

Enhance your teaching of science, engineering and maths in school by searching for activities in the STEM Directories.

Enrich your teaching with an activity that goes beyond the curriculum.
Katherine Leedale


For questions about the STEM Directories, please use:

Activity providers

Providers of E&E activities can register to list their activity on the STEM Directories. Activity descriptions are reviewed by the Ri before being published.


The Ri maintains the STEM Directories, an online catalogue of activities that enhance the teaching of science, engineering and maths. Teachers can search the Directories by subject, age and location and can use the reviews left by other teachers to help them choose an activity.

The activities in the Directories are 'Enhancement and Enrichment', or E&E, activities - those that enrich or go beyond the school curriculum. They include shows, talks, workshops, challenges, museum visits, CPD sessions for teachers and more.


The Ri offers £500 grants for schools to take part in E&E activities from the STEM Directories. Grants are awarded twice a year and are generously supported by The Clothworkers' Foundation and The Causeway Foundation.

The grant schemes open in October (maths scheme) and January (STEM scheme). Sign up to the Royal Institution’s Education Newsletter to recieve announcements on when the schemes open.

Building closures from 9 December onwards

We are closed on the 10 and 12 December, along with other closures during the week starting 9 December, full details here.